Cheri Chatter

Cheri Chatter

Monday, April 30, 2012

Baby on the Way

No, it's not my baby. Yesterday, we had a baby shower for my niece who is due in a little over a month. One of my tasks was to prepare name tags for the guests. I made them out of construction paper and little muslin diapers. At the end of the shower, the guest who had the "dirty" diaper won a door prize. I used stone-ground, brown mustard which was a bit too realistic. Yuk!
And of course, my gift was a baby quilt (Yellow Brick Road by Terri Atkinson) that I finished binding on Saturday. There's nothing like a deadline to get me moving! I really like how the combination of homespuns and polka dots turned out. I used a cotton batt and didn't prewash anything. When I rinsed and dried the quilt, it got all old-fashioned crinkly and was so soft.
Between organizing and taking Bosca to the vet, that binding has been the extent of my sewing for at least a week. I'm getting antsy, but I really don't think I'll be able to relax and enjoy sewing until my basement organizing is done. I'm off to the laundry room. See 'ya later!

1 comment:

One Minnesota Quilter said...

Love the plaids and polka dots! So sweet. :)

The YBR is such a great pattern for something quick, isn't it?
