Cheri Chatter

Cheri Chatter

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Calvin's Baseball Quilt

This week's finish is a big one, Calvin's baseball quilt. It's one of the easiest quilts one could do. Big pieces sewn together to form a baseball diamond and then a couple of borders.

It was designing the center that stumped me. I wanted to applique baseball bats and other baseball paraphernalia to fill up some of that open space. How to do it so it looked somewhat realistic and not stupid? I've had a mental block about it for two years.

Then 52 finishes came along, and I decided that this quilt had to go to the top of the list. Just recently I discovered that I could pull up images from the internet. (Okay, I'm a little behind the times!) I found images for bats, baseballs and all manner of things baseball-related.  

And I remembered that I own an alphabet stencil. The letters were just the right size. A little fusible interfacing, fabric markers, some zigzagging and, viola, the center was done! 

The most interesting result is that a huge weight has been lifted, and I feel excited about (rather than dreading) the next unfinished challenges.  On to the next UFO . . . 

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