Cheri Chatter

Cheri Chatter

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Pressure is On

There's nothing like a deadline to get me off the dime. I had no sooner started working on Tria's quilt [see "Celebrating (A) Life" ] when I got a call from Pat, another of Tria's quilting buddies.

Tria belonged to a small quilt group, The Loose Threads. At Tria's request they each agreed to make their own version of the quilt I am finishing for Tria. They planned to tweak the pattern to reflect their ethnic heritage and display the results at the Clark County Quilters guild show in April of 2005 or 2006.

For one reason or another the deadline slipped to 2007 then 2008. I was hoping it would get extended to 2010, and then came Pat's call. It seems that everyone but Pat and I have finished our quilts. Now she and I are both scrambling to get them done in time.

I've always operated best at crunch time, but this is really pushing it. I need to send in a picture and writeup by March 12th. Then the quilt needs to get delivered to the show location on April 1st. (The show is in Vancouver, Washington. I'm in Minneapolis.) That means I need to UPS it to a Loose Thread at least a week before, let's say March 25th.

Can I do it? Will it happen? Stay tuned!


Nathan Carter said...

Give Baska a needle and thread. She looks ready to help!

Good luck!

Nathan Carter said...

Okay Cheri, I'm dying to know what happened. What have your futher adventures in quilting been?

Steve said...

There is a decided lack of chatter on this blog!

sjohns said...

I join the cry for more news and photos from you, Cheri!!