Cheri Chatter

Cheri Chatter

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Christmas was extra hectic this year. My sewing/quilting projects slid by the wayside, so now I am playing catch up. It's great to be back in the saddle!

I just completed two sets of coordinating pillowcases.

The first set is for a couple of campers. They have an annual family camping trip each summer, so now they have pillowcases to take along with them.

The second pair is for a couple of Montana sailors. (Yes, Montana has lakes - big ones.)

Even though the pillowcases have nothing to do with sailing, they do depict fun topics, cowboys and their Harley.

Now I have to make a pillowcase for myself. Hmmm. Maybe guys in toolbelts?

1 comment:

Nathan Carter said...

If I like to camp, do I get a pillow case too?